[입트영] ebs어학공부, 입이트이는 영어, 영어스피킹연습, 영어회화,02 New Semester

[입트영] ebs어학공부, 입이트이는 영어, 영어스피킹연습, 영어회화,02 New Semester

2020. 6. 25. 09:05취미

ebs 어학교재 입트영



STEP1 기본표현으로 답변하기


Talk about the new semester in September


한국에서는 학교들의 학사 년도가 3월에 시작된다. In korea, the school year begins in March.

1학기가 끝나면 여름방학이 있고 9월이나 8월에 2학기가 시작된다. Summer break follows the first semester. The second semester then kicks off in September August.

새로운 학기에는 새로운 수업이 시작된다. New classes get under way in the new semester.

학생들은 새로운 수업 일정표를 받는다. Students receive new class schedules.

대학생들도 수강 신청을 하고 강의를 듣기 시작한다.  College students also sign up for classes, and begin attending lectures.

2학기는 기말고사 이후에 마무리되고, 이어서 겨울 방학이 된다. The second semester comes to a close after finals week, and winter break begins.



Key vocaburary

school year :학사년도
kick off :시작되다
get under way : 시작되다
class schedule : 수업 일정표
sign up for a class : 수강 신청을 하다
attend a lecture : 강의를 듣다
come to a close :마무리되다
finals week : 기말고사 기간


Pattern Practice


1. sign up for a class  수강 신청을 하다

  • College students also sign up for classes.
  • I had to wake up early to sign up for classes.
  • Is it too late to sign up for this clss?

2. come to a close  마무리되다

  • The second semester comes to a close.
  • The series came to a close with that movie.
  • I want to say something before the meeting comes to a close.

3. finals week 기말고사 기간

  • The second semester ends after finals week.
  • I didn't get much sleep during finals week.
  • During finals week, the library is always full.


STEP 2  심화표현으로 답변하기


Talk about how you felt when a new academic year started back in school.


학창시절 새 학년이 시작되는 시기에 대한 좋은 추억들이 있다. I have fond memories of the times when a new grade began back in school.

중고등학교때는 새로운 교실에서 새로운 친구들을 만났다.  In middle school and high school, I got to know new friends in a new classroom.

새로운 담임 선생님이 누구인지 모두 궁금해했다. We all wondered who our homeroom teacher would be.

모든 것이 낯설어서 첫 일주일은 적응하는 기간이었다. The first week was a break-in period since everthin seemed unfamiliar.

정들었던 친구들과 다른 반이 되어서 한동안 섭섭하기도 했다. For a while, I felt down because I was in a differnt class from friends that I had gotten attached to.

대학교 때는 꼭두새벽에 일어나 수강 신청을 했던 기억이 난다.  In college, I remember getting up at the break of day to sign up for classes.

한 학기 동안 휴학을 했다가 친구들을 다시 만나서 무척 기뻤던 기억도 난다. I alse recall how good it felt to see friends again after taking a semester off.



key vocabyrary

fond memories 좋은 추억
get to know 만나다, 알아가다
homeroom teacher 담임 선생님
break-in period 적응 기간
feel down 섭섭하다, 우울하다
get attached to ~에 정들다
the break of day 꼭두새벽
take a semester off 한 학기를 휴학하다


Pattern Practice


1. Break-in period 적응기간

  • The first week was a break-in period since everything seemed unfamiliar.
  • The shoes are comfortable, but they need a break-in period.
  • During the break-in period, I was only given easy work.

2. get attached to ~에 정들다

  • I was in a differnt class from friends that I had gotten attached to.
  • I should throw it away, but I've gotten attached to it.
  • People sometimes get attached to people they argue with.

3. take a semester off 한 학기를 휴학하다

  • I also recall how good it felt to see friends again after taking a semester off.
  • I took a semester off for an internship.
  • I'd like to take a semester off to travel before I graduate.


Composition Practice


1.수강 신청을 해야 되는데 어느 수업을 들을지 모르겠어.    ( sign up for a class)

2.기말고사 기간에는 커피를 많이 마셨어.              (finals week )

3.새 휴대폰에 익숙해질 적응기간이 필요헀다.                 (break-in period )

4. 그는 사람들에게 쉽에 정을 주는 스타일이야.                   (get attached to )







1. I have to sign up for classes, but I don't know which classes to take.

2. I drank a lot of coffee during finals week.

3. I needed a break-in period for my new phone.

4. He gets attached to people easily.




오늘의 공부는 여기까지 입니다.  영어되는 그날까지 홧팅입니다~~~